Color Harmonies - Triadic

Color Harmonies – Triadic

Color Harmonies - Triadic

The TRIADIC color harmony takes the 3 furthest colors and puts them together. It’s fun, because, when you take the color scheme from a chosen 3 colors, this is that theme. It puts together the primary colors you started with, and simply enjoyed! But, if you take the colors from color wedges 02, 03, or 04, those are interesting because it uses colors derived from the primary colors. So you’re getting colors that were mixed those primaries.

The TRIADIC color harmony by definition is the most vibrant of the bunch. Red-Yellow-Blue—You can’t get more primary than that. But taken from my thread schemes, it can get interesting. Sometimes, the colors derived as I mix the colors, are very interesting, and make good color schemes.

Click and save below the web card for this color harmony.  Print it out on cardstock, and use it to look at any of our thread wheels.  Make up your own even, and see how many schemes you come up with!

Now, let’s take a look at our 4 scenarios and see what we come up with:

Fill (shown above):  SCT003 used.   Stitching this fill couldn’t be easier.  Stitch it 1 block at a time, and you can travel down the diagonal as you go.

Fill (shown below):   SCT003 used.   Again, this scenario just breaks the fill down into 3 different steps, and applies the color to each.  How much simpler can you get?

NBB-2315:  SCT004 used. With this scheme, I took the blocks exactly as the design states.  I repeated the block as normal, and applied the same colors as it repeats.  It might be simple, but it’s pretty.

NBB-6001:  SCT005-3a used.   Yet another version of this design!  This one, I used the main color 05 as the borders on all of the blocks, and in the cross stitch border.  I also incorporated it into the framework around the design.  Then, I used the other two colors everywhere throughout.

Click on any of the images, and find a PDF document that has each of these charts documented with what threads I used.    Do this on each of the color harmonies I document, and you’ll have 12 different ways to stitch them!  The possibilities are endless!!!

Color Harmonies - Triadic
Color Harmonies - Triadic - Fill based on the SCT003 Thread Wheel
Thread Scheme - SCT003 DMC
Thread Scheme - SCT003 DMC
Color Harmonies - Triadic
Color Harmonies - Triadic - NBB-2315 based on the SCT004 Thread Wheel
Thread Scheme - SCT004 Bethany Beach
Thread Scheme - SCT004 Bethany Beach
Color Harmonies - Triadic
Color Harmonies - Triadic - NBB-6001 based on the SCT005-3A Thread Wheel
Thread Scheme - SCT005-3A Lavender Fields
Thread Scheme - SCT005-3A Lavender Fields

Find the links above to all of the thread schemes I used for these exercises.  But, keep checking back for more!  You never know what threads inspire you!  

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