Windowpanes in Knotwork Series

The design of this series entirely came during a period of playing around with various kinds of needlework motifs, and seeing what I got when I mixed them.  The knotwork in these designs, becomes the framework that the blackwork fills go in to.  And beautifully, if I might say so myself.

When it came time to doing models for them, boy did I have a hard time deciding what to do.  I decided to use Gentle Arts threads, but I have countless other thread schemes built I could have used.  More thread schemes are coming soon, but in the meanwhile, why don’t you choose from your stash.  Share what you come up with in the Stitchin’spiration Facebook page!

What “experiments” to you try out, only to find out happily that they work?

Happy stitchin’!

Check out more of the Windowpanes in Knotwork Series!

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