07 Jan Sunken Cities – Inspiration from the Past
Every once and a while, I am reminded that surface decoration has been around for years. Today was just once such time. My hubbie and myself visited an exhibition at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Treasures of Ancient Egypt: Sunken Cities. Oh my goodness, this exhibit was amazing to see (even more exciting because it was the first time we’ve done ANYTHING cultural).
Now, mostly this exhibition included religious and cultural pieces, but let me just tell you – they’re amazing! What it reminded me, was that people have always used surface decoration! Mostly, these pieces told stories – from the steles with their lines of hieroglyphics, to vetegans figurines (corn mummies), to tiny figurines and jewelry. Whoever made these pieces, in bronze, clay, and stone, did so with such care. Some of the pieces date from 600 BC – yes, I said BC!!! Things just don’t get older than that.

Today, the modern stitcher does the same thing, just with needlework, thread, and fabric. While not used in the same ways as they once were, blackwork samplers showcase design and decoration like no other. I like to use the blackwork fills to show different textures, playing around with various sizes, repeats, and directions. In a way, blackwork fills are just a result of doodling and always are a calming influence on me. So, since my job was one which had lots of stress with it, I have hundreds, if not thousands, to play with!
Stop in and see what direction my blackwork fill samplers will take you. And, I’ve introduced the Doodlin’ to De-Stress coloring books, where I’m showcasing even more blackwork fills. Keep these around for when you just can’t stitch!
If you haven’t have a chance to check out this exhibit, and are close to the VMFA, do make a point to see it.
What are you finding inspires you nowadays? Even in the COVID world we live in, where can you find inspiration?
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